- BIS hallmarked ornaments.
- Authentic IGI-certified and DHSC-certified diamond jewellery.
- Option to cross-check purity with the in-store Carat Analyzer.
- Guaranteed buyback based on the purity value mentioned in the invoice upon return/exchange.

- Free Lifetime Maintenance assured for all ornaments.
- Repairs for defects due to wrongful usage or mishandling available; payment required for materials/repair.

- Zero deduction on Net Weight* upon exchange.
- 2% deduction on Net Weight* upon Buy Back.
- Rate per gram determined by prevailing buy back/exchange rates.

- Detailed invoice provided.
- Gold rate billed ONLY on Net Weight*.
- Other materials (e.g., Wax, Lac, Black Wax Powder, Aanavaal, Thread, Spring, Glass Enamel, Plastic, Silver Foil, Wood, etc.) deducted from Gross Weight to calculate Net Weight*.
- Stone Weight* shown separately.
- Assured buyback/exchange for Net Weight*/Stone Weight* specified in the invoice.